Robert Hromec (1970) received his MFA degree in painting from Hunter College in New York (1998) and his BA degree in printmaking from The City College of New York (1995). He studied fine arts at the Pratt Institute (1990–91); was a teaching assistant in the Department of Painting at Hunter College (1997–98); and worked at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (1992–1998). Hromec was awarded a London Exchange Grant to study fine arts at The Slade School of Fine Art in London, and in 2002, to further broaden his horizons, he earned an ArtD degree from Slovak Technical University in Bratislava.
During his eight-year stay in New York City, Hromec experimented with mixing various art techniques to achieve his unique art language, which he calls “printpainting.”
Optical illusion plays an important role in his latest printpaintings, with aluminum plate used as the base.
His award-winning work has been shown in over seventy exhibitions throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. In summer 1997, one of his paintings was included in a group exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Hromec’s work has also been exhibited at Lucca Centre of Contemporary Art; Area35 Art Gallery in Milano; Galleria Arte Spazio Tempo in Venice; Extrartis in Sorrento; Museum Rocca di Dozza in Bologna; The Houses of Art Gallery, Red Penguin Art Gallery, and Museo Cortijo Miraflores in Marbella; United Nations Plaza in Geneva and New York; Claudine Hohl Gallery in Zurich; Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum and GMB in Bratislava; Europazentrum in Graz; Westbeth Gallery in New York; The Slovak Institute in Prague, Budapest, Berlin, and Vienna; V. Kramar Gallery and D+Gallery in Prague; Beaux Arts Gallery in Heeze; GreCo Gallery in Vienna; and other venues.
In 2010, the Danubiana Meulensteen Museum of Art published the monograph “Twenty Years” dedicated to Hromec’s work from 1990–2010.
In December 2013, Cantor Art Press New York published the book “Robert Hromec: New Mixed-Media Paintings on Aluminum Plate”. The book can be found in the libraries of the most important US museums.
In 2016, he designed the intarsia sideboard SILENZIO, a limited edition of 21 pieces for Laura Meroni, IT.
In November 2024, Hromec was a winner of international fine art competition Premio COMEL in Latina, Rome and in 2022 Extrartis in Sorrento.
For over the last 10 years, Hromec has been cooperating with many italian based galleries and curators such as Arianna Grava, Maurizio Vanni, Letizia Rostagno, Alberto Desirò, Martina Campese, Francesca Ciampa; Area 35 Art Gallery in Milano; AD gallery in Florence.
Hromec lives and works in Bratislava.
”I like to build my images by using a variety of techniques mixed with printmaking. This overlapping and layering brings many surprises.
Human figures are the focus of my work. I place them in interaction with each other as well as within themselves and the surrounding world.
Through the exploration of texture and the human body, I attempt to make visible a dynamic equilibrium between the worldly and the otherworldly, represented by a continuity that embraces the human being, the world, and the spirit.“
Robert Hromec sa narodil v roku 1970. V roku 1998 získal titul MFA (maľba) na Hunter College v New Yorku a v roku 1995 titul BA (grafika) na City College v New Yorku. V roku 1990/1991 študoval výtvarné umenie na Pratt Institute. V školskom roku 1997/1998 pôsobil ako asistent na katedre maľby Hunter College. V roku 1997 vyhral štipendium na trojmesačný študijný pobyt na Slade School of Fine Art v Londýne. V rokoch 1992 – 1998 pracoval v Metropolitnom Múzeu umenia v New Yorku.
Robert Hromec počas svojho osemročného pobytu v New Yorku vo svojich prácach experimentoval s rôznymi výtvarnými technikami. Výsledkom čoho je jeho jedinečný štýl „print-painting“.
Optická ilúzia hrá dôležitú úlohu v jeho najnovších obrazoch vytváraných na hliníkovom plechu.
Od roku 1990 vystavoval na vyše deväťdesiatich výstavách v USA, Kanade a Európe. V roku 1997 sa zúčastnil výstavy v Metropolitnom múzeu v New Yorku. Ďalej vystavoval v Lucca Centre of Contemporary Art; Area35 Art Gallery v Miláne; Galleria Arte Spazio Tempo v Benátkach; v Extrartis v Sorrente; v Múzeu Rocca di Dozza (BO); v Paláci národov v Ženeve a New Yorku, Westbeth galérii v New Yorku, Claudine Hohl Galérii v Zurichu, v GMB, v Danubiane Meulesteen art múzeu, v múzeu Cortijo Miraflores, The Houses of Art Gallery, Red Penguin Art Gallery v Marbelli, v galérii V. Kramáře, D+ Galérii a Rooseveltovej rezidenci v Prahe, v Slovenských inštitútoch vo Viedni, Berlíne, Prahe, v Europacentre v Grazi, v BeauxArt galérii v Heeze, v GreCo galérii vo Viedni. Jeho obrazy sú súčasťou prestížnych zbierok doma aj v zahraničí.
V decembri 2013 vyšla vo vydavateľstve Cantor Art Press v New Yorku kniha „Robert Hromec: New Mixed-Media Paintings on Aluminum Plate“. Kniha bola zaradená do knižníc najprestížnejších múzeí a galérií v USA.
V roku 2016 navrhol intarsia sideboard SILENZIO, limitovanú edíciu 21 ks pre Laura Meroni, IT.
V roku 2024 vyhral medzinárodnú súťaž Premio COMEL v Ríme a v roku 2022 Premio Extrartis v Sorrente.
Posledných desať rokov Hromec spolupracuje s vracenými talianskymi kurátormi a galériami, ako Area 35 Art Gallery v Miláne; Oolalala Gallery v Toríne, AD Galleria vo Florencii.
Robert Hromec žije a tvorí v Bratislave.
„Svoje obrazy najradšej vytváram používaním rozličných techník a tlače. Takýto postup prináša veľa prekvapení.
Ľudské postavy sú v ohnisku mojej tvorby. Umiestňujem ich v spojitosti s ďaľšími postavami, s nimi sa samotnými a s okolitým svetom.
Cez objavovanie štruktúr ľudského tela skúšam zviditeľniť dynamické napätie medzi týmto a inými svetami reprezentované spojením ľudského bytia, sveta a duše“.
Robert Hromec (1970) received his MFA degree in painting from Hunter College in New York (1998) and his BA degree in printmaking from The City College of New York (1995). He studied fine arts at the Pratt Institute (1990–91); was a teaching assistant in the Department of Painting at Hunter College (1997–98); and worked at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (1992–1998). Hromec was awarded a London Exchange Grant to study fine arts at The Slade School of Fine Art in London, and in 2002, to further broaden his horizons, he earned an ArtD degree from Slovak Technical University in Bratislava.
During his eight-year stay in New York City, Hromec experimented with mixing various art techniques to achieve his unique art language, which he calls “print-painting”.
Optical illusion plays an important role in his latest printpaintings, with aluminum plate used as the base.
His award-winning work has been shown in over seventy exhibitions throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. In summer 1997, one of his paintings was included in a group exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Hromec’s work has also been exhibited at Lucca Centre of Contemporary Art; Area35 Art Gallery in Milano; Galleria Arte Spazio Tempo in Venice; The Houses of Art Gallery; The Houses of Art Gallery, Red Penguin Art Gallery, and Museo Cortijo Miraflores in Marbella; United Nations Plaza in Geneva and New York; Claudine Hohl Gallery in Zurich; Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum and GMB in Bratislava; Europazentrum in Graz; Westbeth Gallery in New York; The Slovak Institute in Prague, Budapest, Berlin, and Vienna; V. Kramar Gallery and D+Gallery in Prague; Beaux Arts Gallery in Heeze; GreCo Gallery in Vienna; and other venues.
In 2010, the Danubiana Meulensteen Museum of Artpublished the monograph “Twenty Years” dedicated to Hromec’s work from 1990–2010.
In December 2013, Cantor Art Press New York published the book “Robert Hromec: New Mixed-Media Paintings on Aluminum Plate”.
Hromec lives and works in Bratislava.
”I like to build my images by using a variety of techniques mixed with printmaking. This overlapping and layering brings many surprises.
Human figures are the focus of my work. I place them in interaction with each other as well as within themselves and the surrounding world.
Through the exploration of texture and the human body, I attempt to make visible a dynamic equilibrium between the worldly and the otherworldly, represented by a continuity that embraces the human being, the world, and the spirit.“
Robert Hromec sa narodil v roku 1970 v Žiline. V roku 1998 získal titul MFA so zameraním na maľbu na Hunter College v New Yorku a v roku 1995 titul BA so zameraním na grafiku na City College v New Yorku. V roku 1990/1991 študoval výtvarné umenie na Pratt Institute. V školskom roku 1997/1998 pôsobil ako asistent na katedre maľby Hunter College. V roku 1997 vyhral štipendium na trojmesačný študijný pobyt na Slade School of Fine Art v Londýne. V rokoch 1992 – 1998 pracoval v Metropolitnom Múzeu umenia v New Yorku. V roku 2002 obdržal titul ArtD na základe úspešného zavŕšenia doktorantského štúdia na Katedre dizajnu Fakulty architektúry STU v Bratislave.
Robert Hromec počas svojho osemročného pobytu v New Yorku vo svojich prácach experimentoval s rôznymi výtvarnými technikami. Výsledkom čoho je jeho jedinečný štýl „print-painting“.
Optická ilúzia hrá dôležitú úlohu v jeho najnovších obrazoch vytváraných na hliníkovom plechu.
Od roku 1990 vystavoval na vyše sedemdesiatich výstavách v USA, Kanade a Európe. V roku 1997 sa zúčastnil výstavy v Metropolitnom múzeu v New Yorku. Ďalej vystavoval v Paláci národov v Ženeve a New Yorku, Westbeth galérii v New Yorku, Claudine Hohl Galérii v Zurichu, v GMB, v Danubiane Meulesteen art múzeu, v múzeu Cortijo Miraflores, The Houses of Art Gallery, Red Penguin Art Gallery v Marbelli, v galérii V. Kramáře, D+ Galérii a Rooseveltovej rezidenci v Prahe, v Slovenských inštitútoch vo Viedni, Berlíne, Prahe, v Europacentre v Grazi, v BeauxArt galérii v Heeze, v GreCo galérii vo Viedni. Jeho obrazy sú súčasťou prestížnych zbierok doma aj v zahraničí.
Koncom roku 2010 vyšla v Meulensteen Art Múzeu, Danubiana monografia „Twenty Years“, venovaná dielu Roberta Hromca v rokoch 1990 – 2010.
V decembri 2013 vyšla vo vydavateľstve Cantor Art Press v New Yorku kniha „Robert Hromec: New Mixed-Media Paintings on Aluminum Plate“.
Robert Hromec žije a tvorí v Bratislave.
„Svoje obrazy najradšej vytváram používaním rozličných techník a tlače. Takýto postup prináša veľa prekvapení.
Ľudské postavy sú v ohnisku mojej tvorby. Umiestňujem ich v spojitosti s ďaľšími postavami, s nimi sa samotnými a s okolitým svetom.
Cez objavovanie štruktúr ľudského tela skúšam zviditeľniť dynamické napätie medzi týmto a inými svetami reprezentované spojením ľudského bytia, sveta a duše“.