Published by Cantor Art Press, New York
Publishing Date: November 15, 2013
Text by Rick Kinsel, Ivan Jančár
Edited by Emmy Favilla
Over the course of his two-decade career, the Slovak-born artist Robert Hromec (born 1970) has been experimenting with materials and technology to update the form. In his latest mixed-media paintings on aluminum plate, abstract form provides the chance to explore art history in a new way.
Robert Hromec’s new mixed-media work comes out of his extensive engagement with traditional forms of lithography and intaglio, but its exciting qualities owe more to his work as a painter, specifically with color and graphic design. In its formal sophistication, innovative use of materials, and atmospheric vitality, the work questions traditional painting even as it adheres to tradition.
More than twenty years ago, while working as a printmaker, Hromec found himself with a number of aluminum plates that, though used up for lithographic purposes, seemed too interesting for him to simply discard. Instead, he began to think of them as a starting point for a new kind of painting—in essence, as a substitute for canvas.
During his eight-year stay in New York City (1990-1998), Hromec experimented with mixing various art techniques to achieve his unique art language, which he calls “print-painting.” Optical illusion plays an important role in his latest printpaintings, with aluminum plate used as the base.
Kniha slovenského výtvarníka Roberta Hromca (1970) z vydavateľstva Cantor Art Press v New Yorku bola vydaná v decembri 2013.
Textami prispeli do tejto publikácie Ivan Jančár (riaditeľ Galérie Mesta Bratislavy) a Rick Kinsel (riaditeľ nadácie Vilcek, New York).
Kniha (Robert Hromec: New Mixed-Media Paintings on Aluminum Plate) sa zaoberá najnovšími obrazmi Roberta Hromca, ktoré vznikli kombinovanou technikou na hliníkovom plechu.
Robert Hromec počas svojho osemročného pobytu v New Yorku (1990-98) vo svojich prácach experimentoval s rôznymi výtvarnými technikami. Výsledkom čoho je jeho jedinečný štýl „print-painting“.
Optická ilúzia (3D) hrá dôležitú úlohu v jeho najnovších obrazoch vytváraných na hliníkovom plechu.
Kniha splnila podmienky zaregistrovania do The Library of Congress vo Washingtone, kde bude uložená jej kópia pre bádateľskú činnosť.
Kniha je bohato ilustrovaná, 64 strán, rozmerov 28 x 28cm. Pri návrhu obálky knihy bola použitá špeciálna technonógia tlače na holografickú fóliu, aby simulovala hliníkový materiál. Na Slovensku a v európe je kniha distribuovaná vydavateľstvom Slovart a celosvetovo cez Amazon.com